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A home for paediatricians. A voice for children and youth.

Our programs

The process of knowledge translation helps us bridge gaps between what we know from research and evidence and what we do in practice.

The CPS has a number of programs to help health professionals, parents and others who care for children and youth make decisions and take action based on the best available evidence.

Acute Care of at-Risk Newborns (ACORN): ACORN teaches neonatal stabilization, supports the multidisciplinary team, and helps practitioners identify and care for babies who become unwell or are at risk of becoming unwell in the first few hours or days after birth.

Caring for Kids: The Canadian Paediatric Society’s website for parents features nearly 200 topics on all aspects of child and youth health. It is continuously reviewed and updated, and is an ideal source of patient information for clinical settings.

Caring for Kids New to Canada: The only comprehensive Canadian resource aimed at health professionals who care for immigrant and refugee children, youth and families. It includes evidence-based information on assessment, screening, medical conditions, child development, and the links between culture and health.

Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program (CPSP): A joint project of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Paediatric Society, the CPSP contributes to the improvement of the health of children and youth in Canada by national surveillance and research into childhood disorders that are high in disability, morbidity and economic costs to society, despite their low frequency.

Diabetes@School: A resource for families, schools and caregivers to help support school-aged children with type 1 diabetes. It includes training materials, fact sheets, templates, posters, videos, and links. The program was created by the Canadian Paediatric Society, in partnership with Diabetes Canada and the Canadian Paediatric Endocrine Group.

IMPACT: Canada’s Immunization Monitoring Program ACTive, is a paediatric hospital-based active surveillance network for adverse events following immunization, vaccine failures and selected infectious diseases that are, or will be, vaccine preventable.

Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP): This educational program introduces the concepts and skills of neonatal resuscitation to individuals and teams who may be required to resuscitate newborn babies.

More tools and resources:

Last updated: Aug 2, 2023